الجمعة، 18 سبتمبر 2015

Fitness Test - Bench Press 140 lbs X 37 at 140 lbs

Sifu Freddie Lee Bench Press 140 lbs X 37 @ 140 lbs
Freddie’s Modern Kung Fu
1642 W. Howard St. Chicago, IL
Email: FreddiesModernKungFu@live.com
Blog: http://ift.tt/1t7l1Xe

Bench pressing my own weight weighing at 140 lbs, 37 is my best so far with speed. I set this test apart from the full range test. The full range test, I take my time to lock out the elbows with each rep before beginning the next, this test I immediately get into the next rep without any pause, which makes it easier because of the momentum.

Author: avatarSifuFreddieLee
Tags: Sifu freddie lee bench press chest exercise personal fitness training chicago
Posted: 19 September 2015

Fitness Test - Bench Press 140 lbs X 37 at 140 lbs

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